Monday, August 10, 2009

Rooftop Movie Club: Demented and Sad, But Social

Unfortunately, circumstances have conspired to make yet another tribute to the departed necessary, with the passing of that master chronicler of 80s teen angst, Mr. John Hughes.

And no film of his demonstrates that more perfectly than the story of the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess and the criminal. Keep your fingers crossed that this week's thunderstorms take a break for a few hours Wednesday night (unfortunately, Thursday isn't an option for us, otherwise we'd do it after the cold front moves through), and come join us for The Breakfast Club.

Bring beer, munchies, and, if you're feeling so inclined, a Cap'n Crunch & Pixie Stix sandwich.

EDIT: Current forecast puts the chance of rain at 15% or less between now and midnight, so we're going for it. See you on the roof!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wisdom is more precious than wealth. 2w1y1g0a9w0c6b7k 5m7p6c3l0j9q5s3e 7c8g0n1f9w4u8c9a 3y1v3q6a6a6k8l6i 2f2j6d4k0z6h8r4q 2a0o8i4k8n7t2k6j 1u6m3n4e4f3i5g1k