Sunday, September 23, 2007

Last Rooftop movie of the year: The Dude Abides

The temperatures are dropping, and this may be the last warm week before it's too cold to hang out on the roof at night, so this week we're going to screen what may be the last rooftop movie until next year...we promise we'll start earlier in the summer so we can get more movies in before the weather turns next time around.

Anyway, for what may be the grand finale (barring some early October indian summer), we'll be showing The Big Lebowski on Wednesday night. White Russians will be mixed for anyone who's so inclined, and get things started around 9pm.

See you then...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Rooftop Rialto, Part 3: Buckaroo Banzai

More rooftop movie watching fun this week...come out to catch the adventures of everyone's favorite physicist, neurosurgeon, Samurai, rock star, jet car driver and comic book hero as he saves the world from certain doom (someone saving the world from certain doom seems to be developing into a theme for the rooftop movies). That's right, it's The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension! We'll also have a classic cartoon before the movie, and, if you're all very good, there may be the potential for a special super-secret world premiere just as exciting as the debut of Susan's documentary last time around.

That's this Thursday, Sept. 6, and we'll get things started at 9pm.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Rooftop Rialto, Part 2: Who You Gonna Call?

Our first showing of a movie on the rooftop of the Dorchester (Flash Gordon a couple of weeks ago) went so well, we're doing it again. This time, it's Ghostbusters, which seems particularly appropriate since the last act of that one takes place almost entirely on a rooftop. At the moment, it appears the weather is set to cooperate on Thursday (August 23).

Setting up for the first time took longer than anticipated last time around, but now that we have the routine down, we should be running right on schedule, so we'll aim to start the movie at 9. Please do let us know if you plan on coming so we can be sure we have enough chairs on hand.

And, if it turns out that the Dorchester is also some sort of supernatural antenna for summoning Sumerian deities, just remember Winston's wise advice: If someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes .

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Inaugural rooftop movie!

Well, it's summertime, when we try to find all the ways to do outdoors what we normally do indoors, and here's the latest variation on that theme. After much back and forth with my building's management, the power outlet on the Dorchester roof deck is finally on, which means that we can finally do what Scott and I have been talking about doing for months: show movies on the roof!

We've done a test run, and it looks like everything is in working order, so we're going to have our first screening next week. So we want YOU to come over to the Dorchester on Thursday evening next week (August 2) for a rooftop screening of Flash Gordon.

Just like Screen on the Green, we'll get started as soon as it gets dark enough, which seems to be around 9pm or so right now. Feel free to show up anytime after 8. Provided everything goes well, we'll try to do this every couple of weeks until the roof closes down or it gets too cold, which is probably the end of September/beginning of October.