1. Ditch Spaceballs. The gods are obviously angry at Mel Brooks. They must have seen Robin Hood: Men in Tights and Dracula: Dead and Loving It at full price; I'd be pissed, too. So with apologies to Mr. Brooks, you'll have to get your schwartz on on your own time.
2. Sneakiness. By sending this evite out semi-last minute, hopefully, the forces of raininess will be unable to marshal their troops against us.
3. Accuweather. Actually checking the weather in advance and scheduling on a night where there's virtually no chance of rain might help, too. We've done so this time.
So join us on this Wednesday night for a screening of a classic bit of 80s horror, The Gate, in which a bunch of kids accidentally unleash the forces of Hell via a hole in their backyard left over after a tree is removed. I like to think of it as a horror version of the cross-breeding of The Goonies and Home Alone. Less Culkin, less Chunk, more demons. Also, the feature film debut of Stephen Dorff.
Same schedule and pointers as usual apply: bring a few drinks, any snacks you want, and we'll get started with a classic cartoon as soon as it's fully dark out and then move on to the feature.
PS- For those who were looking forward to Piranha 2, we're saving that for another week.
PPS- It's been brought to my attention that this film is currently scheduled for a 3-D remake directed by Alex Winter, who you may remember from such roles as the vampire with a really bad mullet in The Lost Boys. Consider this screening your preparation for seeing the remake.
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