With an oeuvre as varied as Swayze's, though, what film to choose? For Swayze the lover, there's Dirty Dancing, or Ghost. For Swayze the fighter, there's Point Break, or Next of Kin. Or maybe we further showcase his range with Swayze the transvestite (To Wong Foo...) or Swayze the pedophiliac motivational speaker (Donnie Darko). Or maybe Swayze the singer, in which case we could simply run an endless loop of his smash hit romantic single "She's Like the Wind". So many choices. While we were sort of hoping for a two-sides-to-every-Swayze double feature of Dirty Dancing with Point Break, because of the rooftop closing time of midnight, there is simply not enough darkness to manage a double feature with daylight lasting as long as it does now.
So we were forced to decide what movie would contain the broadest range of Swayze's best qualities in one film. By that measure, the choice was simple: Road House. Swayze as lover, fighter, philosopher, bouncer, and ass-baring stone cold hottie. He will totally throw your ass out of the bar if you step out of line, and he can quote Kierkegaard while he's half-nelsoning your sorry tuchus down to the pavement.
And we're quite certain that any man that can do this, can beat cancer with one lean, well-muscled arm tied behind his back.
So come out for Independence Day eve, and get a head start on celebrating our nation's birthday by celebrating the All-American onscreen virility that only the Swayze can bring. The founding fathers totally approve of a well-reasoned ass-kicking. As usual, bring the tasty beverage of your choosing to enjoy atop the Dorchester roof, and we'll get things started with a classic bit of Warner Bros. animation, and maybe, just maybe, a special treat for you kiddies before the main event. Entertainment to start around 9pm, but feel free to show up earlier, as we'll be up there staking out a spot well before dark.
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