See, I'm firmly committed to every American's god given right to watch movies in the out of doors with a cold beer in hand. If I might quote one Chris Klimek upon the news that a new projector had been procured, "America, Fuck Yeah!". I couldn't let you all down; it'd be unpatriotic.
Weather permitting, the lights go down and the screen comes up on a third summer up on the roof on Thursday of next week for anyone who cares to join us. We'll be screening a crowd pleaser for the first time out, Spaceballs. Please feel free to recite lines along with the movie like you're back in your parents' basement watching it in middle school. Or was that just me? We'll likely move things into more oddball territory next time out with James Cameron's auspicious debut directorial effort, Piranha II. Bring snacks, bring beer, and bring a blanket, as it can get chilly up there after sundown in early and late summer.
EDIT: Due to impending rain tonight, we're postponing until next week.
EDIT 2: Make-up date rained out as well! Curses!